Well, at least it won't do a Firefly on us. Also noticing that it hasn't been preempted (yet).
The ratings have been good, so ABC is very happy.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Well, at least it won't do a Firefly on us. Also noticing that it hasn't been preempted (yet).
The ratings have been good, so ABC is very happy.
I wonder if Pretty Boy villain will be back this season. He was kind of fun.
The actor reminded me of Tahmoh Penikett, in that sort of strong-jaw-he-clenches-while-delivering-lines way. Then I looked him up on IMDB and realized he was the cutie on Relativity way back in the day.
I'm still not feeling it for Ward or Skye, individually, and for damn sure not together.
I had a long post - but my ipad ate it.
to sum up. It is becoming my show . I think there are enough questions about the characters that are interesting , without getting in the way of the action . ( fitz and simmions - grown in a lab) . I don't really believe anything Skye and Ward say to each other - they both lie to get people to do things.
I knew nothing about gravitron. After reading what others said , I am finding it interesting that they are taking the cartoon violence and making it more real. Shades of things to come.
What we don't have yet , is the quick back and forth. Not just the dialog, but that ablity to snap you from one emotion to another. I like it , but I don't care enough yet.
(a) Damn straight, women can't pee into a bottle in a van.
(b) I take back some of the bad things I said about Superman -- for a second, I was thinking, "Who's this guy with the glasses?"
So, did Amador use her X-ray vision on Coulson? The way she asked Melinda May "What did they DO to him?" (or was it "What HAPPENED to him?") makes me think yes, she literally *saw* something physical, rather than just a change in demeanor.
I was pretty meh on the episode, although my mood may be partially to blame. Toward the end I started reading about House Republicans while I was watching.
The way she asked Melinda May "What did they DO to him?" (or was it "What HAPPENED to him?") makes me think yes, she literally *saw* something physical, rather than just a change in demeanor.
Oh, good call!
I think the reason this show isn't quite clicking for me is that none of the characters seem to want anything, so the stakes feel very low for them personally (even if they are saving people/the world every week). I've never yet felt that any of these guys are in danger, or worried about losing anything.
Coulson obviously has zombie/robot angst, and Melinda May has a backstory we'll get to eventually, but none of it seems to matter very much to the missions they're on.
I wonder if part of the problem is Marvel not being sure which comics storylines they want to hold back for future movies - I feel like this show should have a much stronger mythology of its own by now. What is this show's Rambaldi device / wormhole / I Want To Believe poster?
I feel like this show should have a much stronger mythology of its own by now. What is this show's Rambaldi device / wormhole / I Want To Believe poster?
There's the organization behind almost-exploding not!Gunn in the premiere, who maybe are also behind party-trick eyeball!Amador. But they don't really feel like a big deal, probably because SHIELD isn't talking about them.
(Also, I really would love to see an I Want to Believe poster in Fitz's room.)
But they don't really feel like a big deal
Right, which is why they don't count. There's nothing driving the action forward, really. It's just a bunch of quippy attractive people flying around in a superplane solving crimes. Which isn't to say it's not fun, but the show still hasn't answered the question of why they're doing it at all.
I thought the ep was an improvement--people playing to their strengths, very little angst between people, an interesting "monster" of the week. Skye wasn't even that annoying, she was competent in her areas and had weaknesses that weren't Sources of Drama. She and Fitz/Simmons made an interesting grouping. And the peeing in the van was a good touch.
The previews look very intriguing, too. And I bet Skye was looking at Ward through the x-ray glasses.