Was Coulson bleeding after his fight with Hall?
I like that he and Ward acknowledge that Skye is not completely trustworthy.
Did the label that Agent Whozit pulled off the vault door say anything other than some sort of number?
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Was Coulson bleeding after his fight with Hall?
I like that he and Ward acknowledge that Skye is not completely trustworthy.
Did the label that Agent Whozit pulled off the vault door say anything other than some sort of number?
You know what would be cool -- if Coulson's resurrection really did involve Tahiti and some Tiki gods.
So apparently Graviton is a pre-existing character.Hah--yes! Of course, with the various X-this and Avenger-that titles in the comics cannon, there's probably a hero or villain for almost any power.
Weak Nuclear Force Man!
Well, there is Radioactive Man, who amounts to the same thing.
if Coulson's resurrection really did involve Tahiti and some Tiki gods.
I seem to remember Coulson bleeding after his fights so far. But my memory is fickle...
What I want to know is: what happened to all the people at the party???
All the people in black while Skye was in red. Subtle.
Yeah, I was thinking that she wasn't being very covert, leaving in the middle of the speech. Pretty Bad Guy wasn't going to notice that bright color sneaking out from the front of the crowd?? (well, he did, obvs.)
Show's been picked up for a full season!
Well, at least it won't do a Firefly on us. Also noticing that it hasn't been preempted (yet).