The goddamn official Twitter feed spoiled me for the end by Tweeting "All villains have an #Origin story" before the episode even aired, so I figured Hall would become Mr. Gravitonium or whatever we're going to call him. But that will be fun.
SHIELD had been promoting this as Graviton's origin story on facebook earlier in the week as well. I don't think it was meant be a shocker for Marvel readers (which is not me, I looked Graviton up earlier in the week when I saw the facebook post) once they named the character as Dr Hall.
Ah, I didn't realize he was from the comics!
Graviton in the comics had better sartorial taste.
Very cool, the whole Graviton thing. I had no idea. I just enjoyed it for the Coulson bad assery and the pretty visuals.
I liked this episode more than last week for sure. I wonder if Pretty Boy villain will be back this season. He was kind of fun. Still not loving Ward, although I like him more when he's not interacting with Skye. I just don't buy them together at all. I would like some more back story on Fitz/Simmons. I'm still enjoying their act, but I do think it will get tired if we don't learn more about what their whole deal is.
Coulson could be a robot, but I'm still sticking with came back Monkey Paw wrong because I like typing about monkeys.
May still rocks the party all night long.
I'm finding SHIELD to be pleasant, kinda throw away entertainment. I've enjoyed each episode so far, but it certainly hasn't moved me to have a lot to say about it, other than "I like him. Don't like her. Coulson's a badass."
Was Coulson bleeding after his fight with Hall?
I like that he and Ward acknowledge that Skye is not completely trustworthy.
Did the label that Agent Whozit pulled off the vault door say anything other than some sort of number?
You know what would be cool -- if Coulson's resurrection really did involve Tahiti and some Tiki gods.
So apparently Graviton is a pre-existing character.
Hah--yes! Of course, with the various X-this and Avenger-that titles in the comics cannon, there's probably a hero or villain for almost any power.
Well, there is Radioactive Man, who amounts to the same thing.