I liked that they didn't do another round of "Coulson: live or Memorex?" again.
There was a reference, though -- she said something about a midlife crisis, and he said afterlife.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I liked that they didn't do another round of "Coulson: live or Memorex?" again.
There was a reference, though -- she said something about a midlife crisis, and he said afterlife.
Do WHAT now? (so not a comics person) Also, I thought the TV-verse was supposed to be same as movie-verse.
Yeah, TV-verse is part of MCU.
We did get another "Tahiti is a magical place." It's only the second episode, though. They have to lean on things to get the attention of the average viewer, who unlike us doesn't watch every second with hawklike vigilance. The average viewer might have picked up on "magical place" after hearing it in two episodes.
Can't figure out why Coulson would be programmed to respond to a trigger word with a repeated phrase, though. Unless that's so they can later distinguish Android!Coulson from the Real Coulson.
It could also be an unavoidable side effect. Not all resurrections are consequence free.
The Monkey's Paw!
Can't figure out why Coulson would be programmed to respond to a trigger word with a repeated phrase, though. Unless that's so they can later distinguish Android!Coulson from the Real Coulson.
Maybe implanted fake memories are a lot more shallow/redundant than transplanted real ones, or contrariwise are so much stronger/hardwired so that there's a Pavolovian response when they're referenced?
Recognition phrase, he's waiting for someone to give him the correct countersign.
I did laugh out loud at Coulson's final line about the fish tank.
Recognition phrase, he's waiting for someone to give him the correct countersign.
ooh, I like that one.
Aww, no fish tank. Just because of a couple holes!
I'd like the show to either divorce itself entirely from the shadow of the movie (so, no more offhand references to Stark or Thor or Cap), or commit more fully. Where my other Marvel characters at?
Ward is really irritating.