Scaling Gregg back would make me sadface.
Also, joining Jessica in the eyerolling.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Scaling Gregg back would make me sadface.
Also, joining Jessica in the eyerolling.
The pilot will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 8pm Eastern Time.
Should the slug or thread description be changed (temp or perm) to help people locate the discussion? Or should be consider the question up for asking anywhere? (How useful would this suggestion have been a week ago?)
I didn't think of Ward as the lead, I was paying more attention to Coulson. Though in retrospect, I can see that was probably the intent. The actor is not charismatic enough, and the character not interesting enough, to carry the show.
I really hope the show does not turn into another Bland White Guy and Cute White Girl Save the World From Monsters (with help from their sidekicks, Exotic KickAss Beauty and Two Babbling Geeks). I'm in it for Coulson, at this point; none of the other characters grabbed my interest.
The flying car is right out of the original SHIELD stories from the 60's (I linked to the relevant comic awhile back.) I thought it was a fun nod to the original recruitment of Nick Fury storyline, especially with the car being from that era.
As for Coulson gaining Matrix-powers, I want to say he did some Matrix-y stuff in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer" though it's been awhile since I've seen the short.
I thought he was just Son of Coul badass in that.
Can I just say, I am in love with Clark Gregg's voice. Listening to him talk makes me feel warm and fuzzy and squishy.
Am behind in paying my cable bill, so boo to rewatching on my DVR, but at least it's on Hulu already!
I thought he was just Son of Coul badass in that.
Badass!Coulson is Badass.
Am behind in paying my cable bill, so boo to rewatching on my DVR, but at least it's on Hulu already!
The ABC site implied full episodes there too.
Bland White Guy is bland. And Tuesday nights are the worst nights for me. Woe.