Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I mostly didn't like Secret Agent Guy, but the bit after Coulson shot him up with the truth serum made me think that I could come to like him.
As with most pilot episodes, things felt a little clunky to me, but only in the 'these people are finding their rhythm with each other' sort of way. I do think Fitz and Simmons were hilarious, even if (or possibly because) I could only understand about 50% of what they were saying.
My money's on clone.
So is mine, and I look forward to the eventual discovery of said fact by various and sundry. Although I adore "Coulson Lives!" fic, when it comes to the actual franchise, I prefer the idea that the sacrifice was real.
I bet clone.
Skye (hacker chick) was annoying and Ward (secret agent) was annoying.
I thought it was very light as a pilot episode, everything rushed as to character. But of course we had some background sketched in with Smulders and Glass, and damn but it was nice to see JAR.
I really hope this coheres.
I do think Fitz and Simmons were hilarious, even if (or possibly because) I could only understand about 50% of what they were saying.
I liked Fitz and Simmons, but I think I understood maybe 30% of what they were saying.
when it comes to the actual franchise, I prefer the idea that the sacrifice was real.
Me too.
I hope that we see JAR again. And I want to know where Coulson was and all that.
Secret Agent Dude was annoying, but I liked that he got truth serum so to gain Skye's trust.
I didn't like Skye at first, but she started growing on me, I don't know where she got her skills or why she was doing what she was doing but in the end...oddly she ended up reminding me of the main character in Pitch Perfect and I can't put my finger on why.
All around it seemed like the pilot needed to be 2 hours or 1 1/2 hours.
I didn't like secret agent guy. I think that he will end up being very annoying.
Not so much "end up" for me as "already became." I like Fitz/Simmons and of course love anyone Ming Na plays, but neither Agent 00Lone Wolf nor the model-esque super hacker were winning me over.
I wanted to like it, but I'm not sure yet.
And I want Coulson to be really alive, dammit. It wasn't a sacrifice, it was a "make lemonade out of lemons." But Fury is a Lying Liar Who Lies, so the real Coulson is still recuperating in Tahiti, and even Hill and Not!Book are in the dark. So there.
Ditto on disliking Skye, and Ward getting shot up with truth serum redeemed him a little. I'm actually a bit ambivalent about the Brit Geeks, they're a little too Wacky Geek.
It must be fun to have so much back story to play with. They've got all the movies as source material they're assuming everyone knows.
I wonder when the explosion of fix-it fanfic will hit the net.
I had a good time, but my Coulson love is madly strong. I am hoping for clone angst, and I'm hoping he knows more than Cobie knows he knows.
I liked Skye more than the Brits. They remind me of the Binars from TNG, except less cute. I think they're more closely defined than the agent, and, well, I like the agent. I want him to have a hopeless crush on Ming's character.
"I don't think he's really a god."
"You haven't been near his arms."
And I liked the speech about giants.
but the bit after Coulson shot him up with the truth serum made me think that I could come to like him
That just made me like Coulson.