TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I wonder if Coulson clutching the files to his chest is anything significant? It seems like a physical tic we haven't seen in the past half dozen movies. Not anything significatnt or ominous, because, hello sucking chest wound, but perhaps a nice touch of continuity.
I was watching a few minutes behind, but I'm all caught up now. Ron Glass! JAR! Snarky dialogue! I love this show already.
Oooooh, extremis!
Okay, I thought that they just asassinateed JAR, and all the smiley faces had me confused about what kind of show I was watching.
Snark? Check. Band of misfits? Check. HSQ? CHECK.
The Grr Argh guy was silent, but he was back on my TV!
Who was the actress who played the Centipede Lab doctor? I've seen her in something and I can't place her. She doesn't seem to be in the IMDB listing for this episode.
t edit Never mind -- she was on The O.C. -- she was Ryan's girlfriend in S2.
I was not impressed with the Can't Stop The Signal chick. Or Ward. Too pretty with not enough charisma/gravitas. But I'll give them time. It's weird walking into a show with expectations, rather than stumbling on something that was already recognized as awesome, where I just took everything as a given of recommended awesome. Rather than: you have history of awesome casting and scripts, now live up to it again. I might also need not be on cold meds and possibly high as a kite and/or drowsy, whichever you want to call it.