The Dollhouse Powers-That-Be only know what the handlers see of the mission, right? They didn't have Echo and Sierra rigged with mics and cameras and such, did they? That would leave them with a very truncated view of the events transpiring, as they have no idea what happens when the Actives are behind a closed door. And it doesn't seem that they perform any type of debriefing with the Actives before wiping their memories. This seems like a huge procedural flaw. And a gaping logic hole.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Morgana - you are running my dollhouse.
I AM job-hunting at the moment...
Ooh, what was that little head shake at the end there?
Really liked that. Like Echo remembers Sierra's handler dissing their association (about Echo rubbing off on Sierra) when they were still imprinted. Much better than the shoulder thump. The Actives are keeping secrets!
Agent Helo is such a poor lonely woobie. I didn't catch who the guys who attacked him were or why they attacked him.
I liked that one. Still not subtle, but it kept my interest.
I think they were the actual trafficking ring, Boro-somethings.
I loved Echo wanting to kick the other handler's ass. I'm sure that Boston types also loved "I'm a Southie"
Isn't Eliza from Boston?
shes from watertown, not exactly southie.
I loved that the Russian informant for Agent Helo is also an active!
This is the first ep that really grabbed me. Yes, the pop diva stuff was anvilicious, but all the Dollhouse stuff (and the inner minds of the Actives when they aren't active) is starting to intrigue me.
Anvilicious, and the plot required way too many contortions to make sense.
Can't we just skip to the point where the show starts getting good?