Anvilicious, and the plot required way too many contortions to make sense.
Can't we just skip to the point where the show starts getting good?
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Anvilicious, and the plot required way too many contortions to make sense.
Can't we just skip to the point where the show starts getting good?
I thought "I'm a Southie" was referring to left-handedness. Duh.
Next week, Leverage!Dollhouse.
Interesting. Best moment was the shaking off of Sierra I think, as several already mentioned. At least I had a brief flicker of sympathizing with the character.
eh. I dunno. It kinda reminds me of the last two seasons of Buffy. Some interesting ideas, but heavy handed, anvilicious, even a bit sadistic, and morose.
I think if the actress playing Sierra were the lead, I'd dig the show so much more.
Was that actually ED singing? Because she sounded pretty good, actually.
I liked that Echo transferred her loyalty from Rayna to Sierra: she was looking at the picture of Rayna when she was talking to the manager, and I think that her personal loyalty was already trumping her programming.
Loved the head-shake, which also means that Sierra might be remembering things from one session to the next as well, because it wouldn't mean anything to her otherwise.
Still not awesome. But... interesting.
I think if the actress playing Sierra were the lead, I'd dig the show so much more.
I think the stuff (and characters) inside the 'house is interesting, and the missions... not so much. I bet that episode gets a low Nielsen number. Although FOX's number one show by a huge, huge margin is American Idol, so maybe I'll be wrong.
I cannot imagine even a Beyonce-famous singer making enough money to be able to afford the Dollhouse's fees for a short-term bodyguard. Echo's per-hour rate would be higher than hers!
I think if the actress playing Sierra were the lead, I'd dig the show so much more.
Our mileage definitely varies on that, I think she's awful.
Anvilicious, and the plot required way too many contortions to make sense.
And really, REALLY boring.
I think if the actress playing Sierra were the lead, I'd dig the show so much more.
Our mileage definitely varies on that, I think she's awful.
Oh, god, me too.
So, another week of a scantily-clad woman who was asking for it? It, this week happens to be death, instead of rape, but basically the same old, same old.
And really, REALLY boring.
This was the episode where I begged Tim to shut it off after twenty minutes. Later, he said we only watched ten minutes.
Poor bean. I feel awful hating something he's involved in.