Do we have reason to doubt them?
Here's the website. I signed up to be notified about episodes because otherwise I'll forget. Unless Whedonesque links to them, which they probably will. At least the first one.
Which is good since it didn't seem to work.
It does!
Twin Peaks
? I'm in.
shirtless Enver webisode soap parodies
....I'll be in my bunk.
... a movie? They're going to make a geekish movie musical?
... huh.
an April's Fool Joke: Joss a contender to direct The Avengers.
At least he knows the Marvel characters, unlike Wonder Woman.
I know he knows X, but is there actual evidence he knows Avengers better than Diana?
I know he knows X, but is there actual evidence he knows Avengers better than Diana?
Eh, he's just a Marvel boy.