Oh, like Le Femme Nikita...hopefully without the gagarific fanfic.
Hey, don't diss the gagarific fanfic. That LFN stuff Nestra used to quote remains one of the funniest things I have
read. I was thinking earlier this week that it's a shame she seems to have ground to a halt. (Or Nestra has finally lost the will to read.)
No, she's stopped posting. It's a great loss to the world of literature.
Heh. This is from the pilot script that was linked earlier, yes? (The Helo & Russian thing. Not the backup singer Mary Sue gig.)
I missed last week. Do we know who the red-haired guy is?
I think he's just from this episode.
The British guy in this episode is the same one who guided Wesley through Wolfram and Hart at the end of S4, I think.
The British guy in this episode is the same one who guided Wesley through Wolfram and Hart at the end of S4, I think.
He was the dude in charge of the trial when Angel was was trying to save Darla from a syphyllitic death. (I checked IMDB b/c he looked familiar; I didn't just remember that.)
"Music Box" is that a shout out to "Magic Box"
Fuck. I think one of those anvils landed on my toe.