No, she's stopped posting. It's a great loss to the world of literature.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Heh. This is from the pilot script that was linked earlier, yes? (The Helo & Russian thing. Not the backup singer Mary Sue gig.)
I missed last week. Do we know who the red-haired guy is?
I think he's just from this episode.
The British guy in this episode is the same one who guided Wesley through Wolfram and Hart at the end of S4, I think.
The British guy in this episode is the same one who guided Wesley through Wolfram and Hart at the end of S4, I think.
He was the dude in charge of the trial when Angel was was trying to save Darla from a syphyllitic death. (I checked IMDB b/c he looked familiar; I didn't just remember that.)
He was the dude in charge of the trial when Angel was was trying to save Darla from a syphyllitic death. (I checked IMDB b/c he looked familiar; I didn't just remember that.)
Yes! That's it.
"Music Box" is that a shout out to "Magic Box"
Fuck. I think one of those anvils landed on my toe.
Hey there's a thread and the show's not cancelled yet! I'm missing this week so please talk lots so I can feel like I watched it.