2 hours at once is too much. I need a treatment.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Whoa and whoa.
The show is moving so fast, it's too much to digest one hour, let alone two.
And it's also fascinating watching the leaps and bounds taken in not just the time that passes from ep to ep, but the character changes, shifts in alliances, and evolutions, not to mention the formula of story-telling and, I don't know the right words, but, erm, each ep is a completely different show, which I like!.
Ah, nothing like a good cancellation to bring the A game. Someone at TWoP said that they wished that the show had been cancelled back when it sucked, so it wouldn't suck so much.
Oh Adelle, just when we liked you, you go evil again. Oh Topher, you poor fool. How awesome though was his deception of the brain scan to Adelle, and then bringing it to Boyd and Ballard, especially with the fact that B&B aren't fooling anybody.
I'm enjoying the ride, but I do truly wish there was at least a day in between the burn-offs.
Man, in two key scenes in each hour my broadcast sucked - - the scene between Echo and Ballard the night before they broke that girl out of prison - it fuzzed up, started freezing in spots and was altogether incomprehensible. Did the same thing in hour two.
What the hell was that?
I thought it was my tivo - but a friend had the same problem. Anyone else watching on CHicago fox have this issue?
I'm in NJ and the sound cut out when Alpha was taunting Ballard in the chair, which irked me.
I am curious as to what point in the writing/scripting process did they learn of the cancellation, and how that affected the rapid development of all the things leading to Epitaph 1. And given a comment from Caroline being somewhat disdainful of her continued partnership with Ballard, it's kinda heartbreaking watching Echo throw herself(s) at him /E1 references.
sumi, I had crap signal, too. Especially in the first half. I wondered it it was my TiVo until they final put up a test pattern until they could fix the fucker. I think I missed a good 10 minutes or more.
dude, that's my shower curtain!
It happened to my signal, too! I was going to ask if I missed anything, but it sounds like we all missed those spots.
Do they put it online anywhere?
I had issues as well.
Someone at TWoP said that they wished that the show had been cancelled back when it sucked, so it wouldn't suck so much.
Yeah, that's kind if how I feel.
Hulu should have it soon.