I fall in the line of thinking where *you* are basically only located in your brain and the rest is just muscle memory.
What if, and this has nothing to do with Dollhouse, an exact copy of the brain is made. Can you duplicate the self that way?
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I fall in the line of thinking where *you* are basically only located in your brain and the rest is just muscle memory.
What if, and this has nothing to do with Dollhouse, an exact copy of the brain is made. Can you duplicate the self that way?
an exact copy of the brain is made. Can you duplicate the self that way?
Twins? Not exact in experience but pretty close (generally), and genetically exact. Yet, quite different.
Twins? Not exact in experience but pretty close (generally), and genetically exact. Yet, quite different.
but they do not have the exact same experiences. similar, but not exact.
Hmmm, no. I don't think so. I think I used brain earlier as a shorthand (in my own mind, as well) for "brain + consciousness = person."
So, I don't think that an exact copy of the brain would duplicate the self. I think duplicating self requires the consciousness. And while I don't think that consciousness is in any organ beyond the brain, I don't know if it is only in the brain.
Hmmm, things to think about.
If you make a precise physical duplicate of me and then record me and imprint it, where am I?
but they do not have the exact same experiences. similar, but not exact.
Most identical twins that I have known are just that - similar, but not exact(ly the same.) Even physically. I have twin uncles and one is slightly taller. Guess he had better nutrition / calcium.
The new you thinks she is you. If the old you is there you think you are you, but you don't think the new you is you. All your friends think "two itas! Awesome".
I think we're in split Crichton territory on Farscape for the duplicable self.
Alpha was the surprise. Echo was already an Active when he snapped. Have they created any more Actives since?
I think Sierra was created after Alpha went off. Wasn't Sierra getting her first treatment when Echo was in the middle of the kidnapping arc? And Alpha did his thing when Echo's current handler came on board (was kind of responsible for it), so it seems Sierra would have to be a later addition.
I think we're in split Crichton territory on Farscape for the duplicable self.
FARSCAPE is THE PRINCESS BRIDE of TV Sci-Fi - everything comes back to it enventually.