And AD not sounding like Wesley is REALLY strange.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Wait, Dollhouse started back up again already?!?
I haven't seen episode13 (we tried to Hulu it last night, buy it was already gone) but I thought tonight's ep was very good.
Quick thoughts:
It was so fun to see Echo kick ass.
Wow, Ballard is FUCKED UP. It is such a messed up gender-dynamic.
Also, I need to rewatch the last couple of eps of Season1. I'm a little lost on some things. I guess I'll have to spend some time on rewatches this weekend. Tragic.
Wait, Dollhouse started back up again already?!?
Err - yes. Tonight. Interesting. Very interesting. I think I'd find even more so if I had watched any BSG, just from a casting standpoint, but this definitely seems more like the show Joss wanted based on his original pilot and the best of last season.
I haven't seen episode13
If you mean the unaired episode, don't worry - it doesn't have any relation to current events.
I thought the stuff between Topher and Whiskey was especially intriguing. Also really, really sad.
Amy Acker for the win.
AA was really, REALLY good in this episode. And I both hate Topher more and feel more sorry for him.
I feel like Topher is more of a person now. I did feel sorry for him.
I wonder if he is the one who came up with the whole mind-wipe, switch-out personality thing or if he refined the idea. Or if he just does it really well.
Do we know?
I liked the ep. The Echo glitching thing is getting really old. At least there's some awareness on her part now.