Wait, Dollhouse started back up again already?!?
Err - yes. Tonight. Interesting. Very interesting. I think I'd find even more so if I had watched any BSG, just from a casting standpoint, but this definitely seems more like the show Joss wanted based on his original pilot and the best of last season.
I haven't seen episode13
If you mean the unaired episode, don't worry - it doesn't have any relation to current events.
I thought the stuff between Topher and Whiskey was especially intriguing. Also really, really sad.
AA was really, REALLY good in this episode. And I both hate Topher more and feel more sorry for him.
I feel like Topher is more of a person now. I did feel sorry for him.
I wonder if he is the one who came up with the whole mind-wipe, switch-out personality thing or if he refined the idea. Or if he just does it really well.
Do we know?
I liked the ep. The Echo glitching thing is getting really old. At least there's some awareness on her part now.
AA rocks. It was strange seeing so many stars from shows past. Good to see quality actors working. But different accents is freaky.
Also, if she's afraid of sunlight and fresh air, and is agoraphobic, why the hell is she driving a convertible?
I think she's fighting against her programming.
I wonder if this is a brief walkabout or if she's really trying to escape the dollhouse.