Today's imdb poll is "Your favorite Joss Whedon creation?"
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I've done a season two promo thing with the Dollhouse mob. Spoilers many. [link]
So my DVR says that the new season of Dollhouse starts a week from this Friday. Is that right? I haven't been getting any sense of anticpatory buzz on the internets that it's that soon.
Fall TV season start days
House vs How I Met Your Mother vs Heroes. Something's going to lose out there.
You might want to hear Jessica's take on House--at least for the season premiere.
Your post about Heroes in the same (spoiler) thread was almost as distressing to me, ita.
Very much yes. I think she saved me some tooth enamel on that one.
You might want to hear Jessica's take on House--at least for the season premiere.
In a spoiler thread? I'll wait until I've seen it, but I'll look after that. Here's desperately hoping that House doesn't jump the shark. Or limp over it. As the case may be.
HIMYM will win out in that slot for me. To my surprise.
Sundays: TAR/Mad Men/Football
Mondays: HIMYM/Castle
Tuesdays: SYTYCD
Wednesdays: SYTYCD/Glee? If the minority/female characterizations stop sucking
Thursdays: I got nothing. I could see myself trying Bones/Fringe
Fridays: Oh, good, I get choices between potentially exploitative and offensive shows! I guess I'll start with Dollhouse rather than SGU. Oh, and Numb3rs, I still like Numb3rs.
Saturdays: Football