OMIGOD!!! You didn't send in your peanuts!!!
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
OMIGOD!!! You didn't send in your peanuts!!!
So you've come around?
Yeah. It got less skeevy for me and I'm not sure why. The episodes started to get a better too, which helped. The back half - minus the Bad Horse episode - are really good.
I want them to stop doing the Echo-of-the-week and show us more about the characters, though. They should do one like the spy-in-the-house episode, except rather than use the Active's imprints to divide up the episode, they should show each act from the perspective of a Dollhouse staff member. That sort of thing.
If it does come back, have we seen the last of Mellie/November/Madeline? I'll miss her.
OMIGOD!!! You didn't send in your peanuts!!!
hangs head in shame
The postcard was stamped and everything!
Glam, I asked Miracle a while ago, she doesn't know. But, ya know, I imagine she'd return at some stage. Miracle does gigs in LA with her fella for a band called Uke Box Heroes. They're really cool.
If only CBS would bring back Viva Laughlin then next season would be complete.
I think the chances of My Mother the Car returning to network television are better than that.
I just googled that show. Wikipedia says it was ahead of its time.
Dollhouse renewed, deal is done.
Dollhouse renewed, deal is done.
Excellent news! For the cast, creators and me! I've been continually more interested and invested in the show over the last five or six episodes.
Cool. They may not have a lot else...that's how The Wire got renewed once. (Not that I'm comparing them, god knows)