who's fantasy is it to spend some time with a thrill kill couple
I was thinking it was someone with murderous fantasies, that thought he was going to get to be part of the fun, not the victim.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
who's fantasy is it to spend some time with a thrill kill couple
I was thinking it was someone with murderous fantasies, that thought he was going to get to be part of the fun, not the victim.
Hrm. I fell behind on the show (I didn't have the heart to watch it after the Sarah Connor finale, because, well, Sarah Connor rocked). I am now caught up, and hrm.
I am in the camp who spoiled themselves for the Alan Tudyk thing and regrets it in retrospect. On the other hand, I'm kind of glad I wasn't reading the thread here, because y'all totally called the Doctor as Doll thing, and that shocked me in this episode.
I liked the way the last two episodes tied in together -- the idea of saving someone, Ballard trying to save Caroline and failing, then Alpha "rescuing" her, then her saving herself, and Ballard being able to help. And I cheered out loud when they set Madeline/Mellie/November free, because really, Ballard needed to atone for what he'd done.
I would cheerfully watch the Boyd/Ballard show all day long.
Mostly, I think I end up frustrated by this show. So many episodes were wasted or flat-out distasteful, but I do think the whole series had a lot of interesting things to say about identity and free will. But man, it was painful getting there.
Edit: Oh, one last thing. Next time we require a crime spree couple from central casting, can we skip the Southern accent? THX.
I was thinking it was someone with murderous fantasies, that thought he was going to get to be part of the fun, not the victim.
oh, that's interesting. You would think that you would have them program keeping you alive into the engagement. But, then again, they didn't kill him.
I would cheerfully watch the Boyd/Ballard show all day long.
oh, yes! I predict slash within a week.
I was thinking it was someone with murderous fantasies, that thought he was going to get to be part of the fun, not the victim.
I was thinking that he wanted the thrill of almost being a victim while being sure that they wouldn't really hurt him because of the programming, but that Alpha glitched at the wrong time.
I was thinking that he wanted the thrill of almost being a victim while being sure that they wouldn't really hurt him because of the programming,
Plus the thrill of being molested by Faye Dunaway stand-in. Note that Echo grinding against him while he was tied to chair was exactly what Dunaway did to the captured Sheriff in "Bonnie & Clyde". The Southern accents were (not great) imitations of the B & C accents too.
wrod. And seriously, people think they can handle stuff all the time. Look at Hannity boasting about waterboarding.
Awesome. I'll be there.
I didn't know some of that spoilery stuff. Huh, interesting.
I wrote it so if it's wildly inaccurate - and let's face it, it's me, so it probably is - punch me in the face at Comic-Con.
Will do!