Mellie was more important in a personal way to Ballard. Caroline is still the dollhouse.
I am wondering -- is what ever the original Whiskey was ... somehow I fell she s connected to Topher. Someone he could relate to...a sister...a hacker/cracker...He wanted her to look and he wanted her to hate him - like he betrayed her.
I have the last 5 eps I might marathon.
Hm. I thought it was good but somewhat of a mess. Full of a lot of things, maybe suffered from having things cut. It was a lot to take in. There was a lot of identity stuff that was what I find interesting about this show in the first place, but some of it was weird (is that really what Nietzsche was referring to?) and some of it was too on-the-nose.
Amy Acker is such a cute Doll!
AA is a hot doll! And I was very "I knew it! She's a doll!" very vindicated from ep1. Good ep on the whole, clearly lots of editing. Was it originally a 2 parter?
Oh, that was supremely awesome. I adored the sheer Minear-esqueness of it.
"You saved me." Aww.
Was it originally a 2 parter?
If not, it really should have been. I wanted the Alpha-Echo scenes to go on forever.
It (Omega) wasn't shot as a two parter. I'm pretty sure Tim said in an interview, however, the first cut went well over time.
Also, Whiskey 1.1 and Alpha flashback is made of pure awesome.
And Amy Acker's a dude. Who'd have thunk it?
I'm wondering how the hell they program an imprint to not notice that its body has changed genders.
Well, I suppose if you can program people you can... program people.
Amy is wonderful in this episode, also.
P-C, I'm with you actually. It seemed a bit of a mess script-wise, but directed well.
I asked Beau: "So, why did he save Mellie?"
He said, "because he had sex with her."
Yes. it was obvious question and answer night at the Le Nubian household.
I thought it was more a penance for having used her as a Doll. By which I mean, I suppose, he had sex with her.
He had sex with her AFTER he knew she was a Doll. He gets a pass from me for the previous rolls in the hay.