Sadly, the buffoonery was of a sort I've encountered in real life, so I can't fault AT for that. *Casts weary eyes up towards his landlord upstairs.*
IOW, I loved him in the role. Just wish I hadn't been spoiled.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Sadly, the buffoonery was of a sort I've encountered in real life, so I can't fault AT for that. *Casts weary eyes up towards his landlord upstairs.*
IOW, I loved him in the role. Just wish I hadn't been spoiled.
Enver Gjokaj is FUCKING AMAZING.
I asked Jane E. about him, and she said all the writers are totally blown away and thrilled by his range. She also said he was a really nice guy--one of those actors who always shows up to do the work and is nice and unassuming and great to everyone.
That's good to hear! I was keeping an eye on him earlier because a friend of mine had an acting class with him back in the day. So that's neat.
In other news, this PSA is pretty funny.
Well I mean if you work backwards if Victor is now all scarred up, how can he fulfill the rest of his contract? It would make sense to give him a non-Doll job.
Maybe, if the distinctiveness of the scars and how they'd make him memorable/identifiable factors in. I doubt he'd necessarily be precluded from romantic assignments once he heals up the way female dolls might be, though. Lots of scarred pirates and soldiers on the covers of paperback romances.
I was cracking up at Paul's reaction to finding out that Lubov was a doll, too. If Paul makes it out in one piece, I forsee him eying Cool FBI Lady suspiciously.
I'm probably a little slow, but this discussion helped me realize that the face slashing can be seen as an attack on the "doll" status: if they're no longer beautiful, they can't be dolls.
Yeah, the suggestion that Claire is a doll did make me consider whether he was only slashing dolls. And, curiously, going in reverse alphabetical order: Whiskey, then Victor.
Oh wait, but he also slashed the real Stephen Kepler.
And that dude in the woods.
Oh wait, but he also slashed the real Stephen Kepler.
Which does make his comment that the plants were there when he moved in (or some such) hilarious.
And that dude in the woods.
Ooh, point. So, yeah, there goes that theory. He just likes slashing.
Which does make his comment that the plants were there when he moved in (or some such) hilarious.
I'm still wondering how he managed to alter the files Ballard found so quickly.
I'm still wondering how he managed to alter the files Ballard found so quickly.
I would guess he did it before he killed Kepler.