I thought that Whiskey was a reference to a doll - as in Claire is Whiskey.
And yeah, next week's episode looks all effed up.
Is Topher an imprint of a part of Alpha?
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I thought that Whiskey was a reference to a doll - as in Claire is Whiskey.
And yeah, next week's episode looks all effed up.
Is Topher an imprint of a part of Alpha?
OK, quick opinion: tonight's Dollhouse, or watch the last 45 minutes of a movie I've already seen, but would probably mildly enjoy rewatching.
Tonight's DOLLHOUSE was a much bigger game changer than Man on the Street.
Holy Shit! I was sorry I was spoiled on who AT was playing, but dear doG! I was not expecting that ending.
no, major HSQ.
And (I'll spoiler font for Typo's sake) I can already see AT and ED making a seriously hot couple. Jeez, he works well with Alpha (no pun intended) women, doesn't he?
I will also say that Eliza was again very strong in her assignment role this week.
Yeah, wrod.
Tonight's was probably the most riveting Dollhouse I've seen so far.
Also AT did great comic work with Tomoah (sp?). Who sounded unnervingly like Mal and/or NF tonight. I was getting some War Stories vibes off the two of them a couple of times.
I suspect AT has the BBOC factor. As if I didn't know already...
This was also a "Come to Jesus" episode (if I can use that phrase metaphorically). Everyone who had a say of their own (as opposed to the Dolls) owned up to where they stood in things, or at least had to confront the parts they were playing in it (whether it be through denial, admittance, etc.).
Well, maybe not entirely - Topher came off really well this episode, and was tasered for the CtJ portion of it. Possibly his moment will happen later, especially since confronting Alpha seems to be his biggest fear.