after the massive reset, she's not supposed to poke through anymore.
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after the massive reset, she's not supposed to poke through anymore.
after the massive reset, she's not supposed to poke through anymore.
Is this from the show, or official? Because I thought it was part of the show premise.
Not that I'm bothered either way--good storytelling can still be done, if they're up to it. I'm just surprised that what we were told was the pitch is so soon no longer it.
Then again, it would put pay to the argument that Echo could never break all the way free, because it would violate the stated premise of the show. Makes me wonder what we know about the stated premise, and how much Joss cares what it is.
Is this from the show, or official? Because I thought it was part of the show premise.
From the show. After "Needs," Caroline was supposed to have fulfilled her NEED and stop fucking with Echo. But then in the next episode, Echo asked for an imprint, so it's clear she didn't go back to her blank slate.
Caroline was supposed to have fulfilled her NEED and stop fucking with Echo.
Oh that's right. I had forgotten about that.
But then in the next episode, Echo asked for an imprint, so it's clear she didn't go back to her blank slate.
yes, that's true. So the current theory is that Caroline is working to protect the Dollhouse.
Viewers probably think that Caroline is working to protect herself since the spy she caught was the one person who tried to kill Caroline in the DH.
So the current theory is that Caroline is working to protect the Dollhouse.
The Dollhouse people seem to be thinking that (see DeWitt's reaction to finding out that Echo was helping them) - but I think we had doubt cast on that with Dominic's "one day you'll be erasing them, and even after all this they still won't see it coming". He's foreshadowed her destruction of the Dollhouse. I'm inclined to follow that clue.
yes, I should have said "DeWitt's current theory"
I like the theory that erika linked too. It's pretty much how I have seen the show. I never got the impression that the show was endorsing the icky, evil things that they were showing. The whole verse of the show is corrupt in one way or another.
Indeed - but a whole show built around the self-congratulatory meta premise that television is shallow, exploitative and tasteless, and that the viewers are too...
Yeah. Still pretty much want to slap someone.
I think said theory is a little too subtle and some of what has been portrayed is unnecessary if this was the original intent.
Why was it necessary - at all - to establish Sierra as someone who entered the DH against her will by someone she refused to have sex with and has been rented out to him periodically? Then she's been raped by her handler?
I don't think you can rely on the viewer to bring this kind of understanding to a weekly tv show if you want people to hang in there for the long haul.