I did sort of come to think of ED as those people's mother. But I do agree that Topher and Sierra were more fun to watch.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Interesting in that Adelle was giving a few people their personal wishes (birthday gift for Topher, obviously from the once a year remark).
BUT DUDE BALLARD. Did you see the look of pure HATE on his face? That was horrible, horrible, horrible. One of the worst rapes on this rape-y show. But I can see how he got there. He's so fucked up in his own head and self-loathing and OMG ugh.
Yeah, there was a lot of self-loathing in that shower.
Eliza should play dead older women more often. I thought she was pretty good in the role. Enver and Dichen were great as always, though.
First Adele, and now Topher. God, these people are so isolated and emotionally stunted. I feel sort of sorry for their morally repugnant asses.
I know!
Eliza should play dead older women more often.
I concur.
I completely stopped thinking of Eliza as Echo (or, you know, Faith). She was REALLY good in this role.
BTW, anybody else notice a familiar face in the preview for next week?
Just watched this - being in the UK, I tend to catch things online the next day. It's a sign of how good last week's was that I wanted to see this as soon as possible.
I was disappointed by the main plot. With the last two episodes, there was a definite trajectory towards end-of-season plot development. This didn't take things anywhere. My other half, who likes mysteries, found it interesting. I didn't care.
The subplot was much more compelling. The rape scene was really shocking. I'm still working out what I think about it.
is Sierra imprinted with another Topher?
I thought that, at the beginning, but in the end it just looked as though he'd created himself a friend who was a lot like him. I find Topher hilarious and wish they'd use him more. He's all about the Joss-like humour (with more than a hint of Andrew), which I really miss in Dollhouse.
Hi. I'm new. Loving the conversation on this thread.
The second set is because I am over 40
Welcome, Seska!
I was disappointed in the episode. I had a bit of hope when I watched the last couple. Honestly, the names in the credits and the existence of this thread are the only things keeping me involved. It's almost an obligation, and certainly can't be considered a pleasure. Too much is upsetting and painful to watch, and too little is entertaining or engaging. Ugh.
What would say has been the ratio of good to bad (or indifferent) episodes? How many have you actually enjoyed out of the entire run?
Actually enjoyed, and felt were up to the standard set by Joss in other venues? Maybe 2. I haven't watched last night's yet.