I just was reading the TWOP recap and Couch Baron wraps up with announcing that the next Dollhouse will be in 2 weeks.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
looks like a cool one too, very DOA
Guess I must have missed the "in two weeks" completely. Sorry for any confusion.
8pm is a Prison Break repeat from December 2008, 9pm is new Prison Break.
Just saw last weeks Dollhouse. Halfway through -- I hated it -- by the end loved it and reliezed why I was hating it -- because I was lost. It has been so long since a show confused me ... that was fun . Saved for a rewatch
That's the first one I've wanted to rewatch. I tried to get D to watch it with me but he's no longer interested in the show.
I actually watched the last episode 4 times in total. It's been years since I've done that.
After they beat me to a pulp they're going to erase me. But first they're gonna erase you.
I can take care of myself.
I know. That's why I'm smiling. Because one day you'll be erasing them, and even after all this they still won't see it coming.
Yeah. It'll bomb bigger next week as it moves to 8pm since less people watch then, so it should be well below Terminator numbers. The question is if Dollhouse can hold up anyway.
Chicago Tribune has easily the best interview with Joss about Dollhouse I've read: [link]
You need to scroll to about 2/5ths through, about a page down from the video for the full transcript. Don't read the very bottom, marked spoilers in the episode descriptions.