I thought the Ballard situation was just twisted beyond twisted.
Heh. That was AWESOME. Definitely Minear-worthy.
'Objects In Space'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I thought the Ballard situation was just twisted beyond twisted.
Heh. That was AWESOME. Definitely Minear-worthy.
OMG, how badass was that???
So badass! I was not expecting that from her. I liked her already, but that was sweet. She was like, "Whatever, I got shot, carry on."
WTF? Dollhouse is suddenly off my DVR for tonight. It's on for the next two weeks, but tonight there are suddenly two Prison Breaks on instead of Dollhouse and whatever they were going to do instead of SCC.
FUX strikes again, eh?
ETA OK, TV Guide says two Prison Breaks as well. But I don't remember an "In two weeks" on the preview. Whatev.
Bzuh? IMDb agrees with you.
Oh, wait! I think it was always like that. That's why I'm going to a play tonight; I saw that there was no new Dollhouse.
I thought the promo last time said "In two weeks," But I could be wrong.
Yeah, this is the premiere of the second half of Prison Break so no new Dollhouse 'til next week.
I just was reading the TWOP recap and Couch Baron wraps up with announcing that the next Dollhouse will be in 2 weeks.
looks like a cool one too, very DOA
Guess I must have missed the "in two weeks" completely. Sorry for any confusion.
8pm is a Prison Break repeat from December 2008, 9pm is new Prison Break.