They routinely bug all NSA employees, and scanned their surveillance vids to see what she put on this morning? Extensive costume facilities (plus expert costumers, possibly doll supplemented) and voila - wardrobe duplication.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
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Extensive costume facilities
As big as the costume area was when we saw it in last week's episode, it still didn't seem big enough to be able to reproduce an exact outfit, in Sierra's size, at a moment's notice.
Still, as far as handwavey unrealistic stuff goes, the magic closet that can produce any outfit isn't even close to the biggest suspension-of-disbelief plot device.
s big as the costume area was when we saw it in last week's episode, it still didn't seem big enough to be able to reproduce an exact outfit, in Sierra's size, at a moment's notice.
That's just the off-rack-stuff for routine use. The full-service costume shop is in the Tardis.
I thought the moments with Adele and Victor-as Roger were touching, too. Because it's all a lie, but in that moment, they believe it so much...
I've sent her an email asking, so it better had be her otherwise I'm going to look like a complete knob.
I wish you hadn't. I'm good with faces and that definitely wasn't Maurissa. I checked the credits of the episode on Hulu and the actress in question was Kae Shimizu.
Oh, fucktastic.
That's how Adele got shot.
OMG, how badass was that??? Gets gut shot and then orders someone's oblivion. I really love Adelle. And Victor! And Boyd.
I thought the Ballard situation was just twisted beyond twisted.
I enjoyed this episode lots and lots. Lots!
It took me till today to watch it because of seeing Whedon at Harvard. I left before the Dollhouse scuttlebutt. My tolerance for audience Q&A is very low. Though his answers were great- that's how I was able to stick it out as long as I did, heh.
I thought the Ballard situation was just twisted beyond twisted.
Heh. That was AWESOME. Definitely Minear-worthy.
OMG, how badass was that???
So badass! I was not expecting that from her. I liked her already, but that was sweet. She was like, "Whatever, I got shot, carry on."