A thought on where they are going with this. The dollhouse has a larger purpose. And given the way they operate probably an evil purpose. Maybe it is a dysopian totalitarianism where the purpose is to turn the whole world into a giant dollhouse, where identity is fluid. Education mostly via imprint, with a few really talented people eductated from scratch so that new skills get put into the mix. Everyone is obedient and contented. Everyone is happy to live in dorm/spas - smaller ecological imprint. (When the whole world is a dollhouse no need for massive security systems. And I'll bet the spa cuisine turns into dorm food.) Fits in with the name of the corporation. The whole doll creation process has to be improved, the bugs worked out the equipment developed to the point where it can be run by unskilled people. That is why there are only 20 dollhouses. Right now they need to stick to the howerver many can turn a profit by pimping to the super-rich. Once it is perfected then they move to on the next stage and ultimately try to take over the world. And I can see Adelle totally go for this as a good thing. Its a nightmare, but to some it might look like utopia.
Anyway I'll bet that if the series lasts long enough, that it goes somewhere along that line.
This is my favourite episode thus far. Hung together really well.
I agree. I really liked the episode. Like, as a cool episode of television and not a tolerable episode of a show I had trouble getting into.
Exactly my thoughts. Instead of sitting thinking 'Is Eliza any good in this scene?', I had forgotten it was Eliza for a moment and was tied up in the story of the thing.
Also, Paul is fucking nuts. Which I like.
Everybody in this show is so broken.
It's so fucked-up!
(Although I remained annoyed by Eliza's presence and attributed the quality of the episode to the focus on everyone else.)
I like to think they've worked out how to tone the thing to Eliza now.
That's me being diplomatic.
Her voice is starting to annoy me. Because it's always the same, whereas Victor and Sierra always sound different (though Agent Sierra sounded a lot like Taffy).
Yes, let's be less diplomatic - part of the problem with Dollhouse is that they've got really good actors on the show. Which is a high class problem to have, of course. They act Eliza off the screen.
On the other hand, this episode made me care about Echo again. Totally great, freaky scene to have her suggest the imprint.
Yeah, this show is going to the strange places I was hoping it would. I fear for it's survival at this point, quite honestly.
It was a good episode. And lots of good lines. Boyd's: "We're pimps and killers. But in a philanthropic way. "
A thought: you notice that Topher never tries to bullshit Adelle? He told her that imprinting Echo was Echo's suggestion. He has admitted errors to her in the past. Does he have the emotional intelligence to figure out that trying to cover up your mistakes is usually worse than making them? Or did he try it when he first joined, and Adelle broke him of the habit?