I don't get why Paul is even in the show, he really doesn't need to be.
This episode is a total jab at fandom wants and needs. Which I like. It's a lot better than last week. Adelle can go on about contracts and taking away bad memories all she wants, but let's just recap Sierra's story:
A rich dude wants to sleep with her. She's not interested. He pays for her to have her free will erased, so she will sleep with him against her will. He rapes her a bunch. Then in the Dollhouse in her child like state, whilst she's not busy painting bad pictures of houses, she gets child raped by her man-Handler.
I don't get why Paul is even in the show, he really doesn't need to be.
Seriously. "Hey, Tahmoh, loved your work on BSG, wanna come onto my show and play a totally redundant character?"
November wasn't timid about getting naked.
I did like that. The one you'd (I'd) assume would be the most self-conscious about her body image was the one most comfortable with it.
Also, good to see VV has gotten his hair under control. He and David Tenant could have gotten together and have a hair-off.
Sad to see VV playing a slime.
Last thing I saw him in was Without A Trace, and he was a rapist in that, so I was quite prepared for this once I even saw his name in the credits. For some reason he's translated to slimy characters in my head.
He'll always be Darien Fawkes to me.
Somewhere between getting files from Dr. Saunders office and cutting the power, probably. Or between cutting the power and showing up in Topher's office.
What I really meant was that I missed THAT she called Ballard. Did we see him get a call? I don't remember this.
We saw and heard him play back the message at the end.
Yeah, it's right at the end P-C. You might have turned over as it looked like the episode finished a moment before that scene.
Also, Dollhouse got a series low in the ratings last night.
Oh, that explains it. I haven't seen the very last minute or so; we had satellite issues.
It's very cheering to hear good things, finally, this week and last week. But, for fuck's sakes, it took us a long slog to get here!
Have normal, non-fannish people been making happy noises about the show? Have we any reason to think that the episodes of worldbuilding (or whatever the earlier episodes were supposed to be) have been a good thing for the audience?