I'm curious to see what becomes of Tophers character after his confrontation with Caroline('s Echo). He had to do a lot of lying and hedging and obfuscating to answer her questions. Could possibly cause for some reflection. Or not.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Juliebird, I agree with you that it was absolutely appalling, and I think it was supposed to be. No matter how many times those that run the dollhouse try to justify themselves and what they do, there are these things that are absolutely unjustifiable, and it is why they ultimately have to be brought down.
Why did they have to put November is such a dull outfit compared to the other escaping actives?
I thought that it was interesting to note what they chose to wear in their own personalities. November chose that very frumpy, earth mother-y dress.
I wasn't terribly happy (and by not terribly I mean really unhappy) that the Dollhouse apparently accepts people against their will for the right amount of money. And I really shuddered when Nolan said "it will be even sweeter now"
Really enjoyed the immediate display of distinct personalities when the five wake up. Victor being all military and Echo/Caroline being all anti-animal-testing.
And I totally don't like Sierra. I can't articulate what exactly it is about her, but I cannot stand her.
Maybe the way that she couldn't sustain her accent?
I think Sierra found closure not in confronting asshole rich dude, but in recognizing that Victor was there to protect her and she felt safe in that. That there was a man who would look out for her and not try to victimize her. That's where her closure was. But that confrontation had to be there for the contrast to become evident to her.
Absolutely love Victor. Still meh on Sierra, but definitely liking her better than before and she and Victor definitely are my OTP for this show.
I am curiously callous and strange in regard to November. Her story felt the most manufactured and manipulative towards the viewer, even more so than Sierra. Didn't work for me.
Really wish Echo had shot Adele.
I am curiously callous and strange in regard to November.
I was disappointed to discover her to be the weak timid one. Although, if this ends up having legs, I can see her having a lot of growth. But that's with a normal character with a real personality.
That's what distresses me about the show, with it's personality-lessness characters, moreso with the seeming reset on any glitches within the characters.
I really do love that Echo got a call out to Ballard during all the foufourah. I don't know if he'll have anyway to trace the call, but now he's got what seems to me positive proof that the Dollhouse exists.
I really do love that Echo got a call out to Ballard during all the foufourah
But why did she do that? If it was done when she was in that Caroline-without-her-memories state, would she have ever heard of Ballard? And as Echo she's a blank, or only knows what she's imprinted with. I don't get why she made the call.
If it was done when she was in that Caroline-without-her-memories state, would she have ever heard of Ballard?
she said that she had a file, and we saw her take files from the doctor's office. She must have read his name in Echo's file.
She said she found a file. I think it was planted by the mole who counted on Caroline to take advantage of whatever information was in it. So she called him.
X-posty goodness.
Oh, thank you. That helps fill in a gaping plot hole for me.