I really had no IDEA how smoking hot Zachary Quinto was until this movie. (Sure, Sylar's attractive in a villainous kind of way, but...WOAH. Spock. Hawt.)
The rest of the cast is good too. Simon Pegg as Scotty is fantastic, as is Karl Urban as Bones.
I have to hand it to JJ for coming up with a really slick way to solve the issue of pre-existing canon. The "problem...SOLVED!" hand gesture I imagine him doing just offscreen doesn't play well over the interwebs, but it was very cleverly done.
The only possible weak point is that Eric Bana is completely wasted as the bad guy. He's not a villain, he's a backboard. It's an origin story, and so the "real" antagonist is Kirk's own immaturity which he has to overcome in order to get the rest of the crew to trust him blah blah originstorycakes, and JJ quite rightly treats that as the core of the story, and who they're fighting and why is mostly secondary. Still, why cast Eric Bana if you're not going to give him a personality or a storyline?
Yeah, I think for FBDO, you have to figure who you are identifying with.
I think the movie is really fun. Completely unbelievable, not remotely plausible, but fun. I definitely identified with Cameron because I'm way more of a nervous nelly and I would have been freaked out the whole time I was with FB. My parents are better people than Cameron's though!
I hate FBDO with the fiery heat of a thousand suns, so I'm EXTREMELY disinclined to give any coolness points in it's favor.
Yay! My brother in FBDO hate!
Yay! My brother in FBDO hate!
Hi fives tommyrot
The worst part is there are parts of the movie that are hugely entertaining, and I like Matthew Broderick generally. But the character he's playing in this...
Let's just say I identified with the Principal and Jennifer Grey WAY more than I wanted to.
I adore Ferris Bueller. I heard rumors of a sequel a few years ago, Ferris all grown-up etc., but nothing more than rumors.
I am seriously, seriously torn about the new Star Trek. Sure, it looks cool, but I remember first run TOS on the TV, then desperately trying to keep track of it in syndication. It's not broken, Mr. Fancy-Pants Director Man! It doesn't need to be redone!
I was never a huge fan of Star Trek: TOS, but I did see enough episodes to understand the appeal of the films (except for the first one--I fell asleep during that one). But, the trailers for the new flick have me really excited to see it.
The rest of the cast is good too. Simon Pegg as Scotty is fantastic, as is Karl Urban as Bones.
Yay for Simon Pegg and Karl Urban!! I was really pleased to see Urban get cast in this role, since he was only getting cheesy action films and/or baddie roles in better movies since Two Towers. Here's hoping he'll start getting some more substantial roles soon.
I adore TOS and I don't see this movie as a "fix." In spirit, it's essentially AU TOS fanfic. It's clearly been made with vast amounts of love for the show and the universe it inhabits.
News flash:
Run Lola Run
is a pretty good movie.
Yes, I'm lame, and just saw it.
Have we ever done a Top 10 Time-Travel Movies List?
Run Lola Run isn't a Time-Travel Movie, it's a Video Game Movie, with a reset button.