"Three Stooges" Film Cast: Sean Penn, Jim Carrey & Benicio Del Toro
Did Variety switch places with The Onion ?
'Why We Fight'
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"Three Stooges" Film Cast: Sean Penn, Jim Carrey & Benicio Del Toro
Did Variety switch places with The Onion ?
I don't think "disgust" means what you think it means.
Ze language skills, zey are, the, how do you say? Rusty?
Oh, yes, it is the lust! Ze lust for ze pretty!
(Forgive me; I am silly today. Blame the allergy pills.)
Ya know, that Three Stooges casting is just SO off the wall, I think I'd need to see it. Given how well Carrey channelled Andy Kaufmann, I'm intrigued by how he'd channel Curly.
But aren't they all, like, nine feet taller than the actual Stooges? They had huge personalities but physically they were tiny, tiny little men.
They can just use bigger cameras.
Of course, the big question is, are the Farrelly Bros doing a bio-pic (ala the Mel Gibson produced TV one a few years back) or A Three Stooges movie?
Anyone who's seen Carlito's Way KNOWS Sean Penn can do Larry, at least looks-wise (although I couldn't stop seeing him as Hyde from That 70s Show).
are the Farrelly Bros doing a bio-pic
A Three Stooges movie?
Not much of a Three Stooges fan, so I don't have the most credibility here. But I can't see their shtick working for an entire feature-length film. Slapstick works better in smallish doses.
On the other hand, if any current actor can channel the Three Stooges spirit, it's probably Jim Carrey.
I'm afraid to tell my brother about a Three Stooges movie. He'd probably stage a protest in front of the film studio. He'd think it sacrilige to try and recreate what he considers the most classic show on TV.
I forget, have we seen this yet?
The fact that the Jim Henson Creature Shop is doing the suit/animatronic work makes me feel about 100x better about this being made.