I finally got around to watching my dvr recording of I Know Where I'm Going just now while I was burning it to dvd. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it the first (and only) time I saw it twenty years ago.
Halfway through it, I was grinning at the romance developing between Torquil and Joan--it was such a Harlequin instant-combustion thing, but so well done, especially by Wendy Hiller with her confused panicking over her developing feelings for the oh-so-sexy-in-his-kilt Killoran.
And Local Hero owes soooo much to this film.
Huh, there are only 16 movies on that list I haven't seen.
If Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind made the list I think The Manchurian Candidate belongs there too.
Totally agree with this statement. Hell, if Eternal Sunshine belongs there, so does Being John Malkovich.
If Star Wars belongs there, so does Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Why is "The Stepford Wives" there? For some reason, I don't feel like that film fits.
I haven't seen it, but weren't they robots or clones or something that required tech to create?
going back a bit:
Hell, if Eternal Sunshine belongs there, so does Being John Malkovich.
Because BJM involved magic and ES involved science?
okay, help me out here:
just the existence of a robot does not make a scifi film. Or does it? I think I'm arguing myself into a corner, because ET is on the list, and despite the fact the title character is an alien, I'm not sure I would put that on my list of top scifi movies either.
...where is "Brother From Another Planet?"
just the existence of a robot does not make a scifi film. Or does it?
My tentative conclusion is 'yes.' I can't think of a movie with a robot that
seem like scifi to me.
Of course,
is a counter-example to me (despite the occasional robot, Buffy does not seem like scifi to me) but I can't think of a movie where that's true.
Because BJM involved magic and ES involved science?
I thought the portal was an existing phenomena that Orson Bean's character had discovered and cultivated? It's been a while since I've seen it, but I do remember lots of anatomical charts.
I thought the portal was an existing phenomena that Orson Bean's character had discovered and cultivated?
Yeah, well... I suppose.
It's been a while since I've seen it, but I do remember lots of anatomical charts.
Well, it started off seeming like magic to me, and all the charts and stuff made it somewhat science-y, but... for some reason the portal thing still seems more magic than science to me. YPMV.