The one alarming by-product of gbs that my client was not apprised of is a sharp increase in alcoholism. The toxins go straight to the brain and her depression and addiction got transferred to another substance. Plus, alcohol abuse contributes to even worse malabsorbtion of nutrients.
We did a lot of research together, prior to her making the choice for the surgery and neither of us stumbled across this issue. That was about 10 years ago, so not as much was known.
The absolute worst part...and this is where I'll stop even thinking about this, much less talking about it in that she feels like such a failure that she won't come back to treatment to work even the preliminary issues. I had such a terrible feeling about her choice and did what I could to dissuade her, but what could I say to a 400 lb woman who was sick of thinking about new ways to deal with her pain? The panacea was just too tempting. I can't believe how sad I still am about this, so many years later.
OMG, Strega! Thanks for the link to the Freer. I may not be able to make tonight's offering but the rest of the summer series looks great.
I never liked Sex in the City, but the film described as the Beijing SiTC sounds like fun.
The "Zombie Mermaid" trailer on that page is awesome.
T-shirts that are made of awesome: [link]
Oh man, I need to get that Wing Kong t-shirt and marry the first fellow who recognizes it. Ha!
thanks for sharing all that. I have certainly found your comments very interesting and informative and might not have stumbled upon them on my own.
Thanks le n. It's funny how one reference...Peter Jackson, of all people...can set off an interesting conversation. That's one of the many things I love about this community.
InMovieNews, I watched Bottle Shock the other day...I confess it was because I'm an Alan Rickman completist...and enjoyed it more than I expected to.
I remember when that blind taste test occurred. I lived in Northern California and my father was into wines and my grandmother lived in Napa. The lowly NoCal vineyards were completely gobsmacked and that area just exploded with commerce.
"Bottle Shock", as a malady? Never heard of it...but I'm no man's oenophile.
I just saw an ad for a new miniseries on IFC - Bollywood Hero, starring Chris Kattan, apparently as himself (there's a clip of a guy begging him to do the Roxbury dance, and Kattan doesn't want to do it). He's apparently in India to star in a Bollywood musical. I'm not a very big Kattan fan, but I really want to see this.
Those are some awesome T-shirts. I have a friend who totally needs the "Big Trouble..." and "Tron" tees.
What was the Federation called in the Mirrorverse? 'Cuz I love their symbol of the Earth with a huge knife running through it. I need a t-shirt with that design....
What was the Federation called in the Mirrorverse? 'Cuz I love their symbol of the Earth with a huge knife running through it. I need a t-shirt with that design....
According to Wikipedia, it's the Terran Empire.