Airbender live action/drawing comparison. Nice how Dev's playing the lightest-skinned of the 4.
Oh, the fail. Just looking at them makes me faintly sick with anger. And words cannot express how profoundly those last two in particular are NOT Katara or Sokka. I'm sure they're nice kids and fine actors, but they are fundamentally not those two characters.
Airbender live action/drawing comparison.
This is going to be another one of those movie adaptations I have to pretend never happened, isn't it?
He's got a nifty screenplay about Pablo Escobar, too.
(No, that joke never gets old. Even for fandoms I don't know.)
I think HP6 was the most successful movie so far in terms of tone, and possibly the least successful in terms of story. I feel like there is so much book canon missing now that the last two movies will have to be severely retconned or flashbacked to make anything work quite right.
But thank god an HP movie was actually FUNNY! I laughed so much!
Movie!Ginny is very much not my Ginny though. Where's the fire of our fiery redhead?
Just saw HP&HBP. I never read the books but I've done a lot of reading about them and know a little bit of what was left out. My sister, who has read them was miffed at how much of the background on
Snape was left out. The whole reveal about the book and who the HBP was seemed like an afterthought.
I'd rate the movies as: 1)PofA, 2)OoftheP, 3)SS, 4)HBP, 5)GofF, and 6)CofS.
Airbender live action/drawing comparison. Nice how Dev's playing the lightest-skinned of the 4.
Zukko's not burned! That's barely a sunburn. Put some chapstick on it and quit pouting!
Huh. I suppose Radcliffe looks the part most, but I'd really rather see McAvoy get the role despite his very un-hobbity skinnyness.
Please keep Tennant and McAvoy away from anything Peter Jackson related!