Oh, I'll be seeing this again. I'm heading out to see my mom, brother, and his family next week, and my niece will be coming back from three weeks in Europe a few days after I get there. I'm hoping her friends will have already seen it and she might want to go see it with Aunt Kathy instead.
If not, I'll wait until the IMAX/3-D version is out at the end of the month and go see it there, which I probably will do anyway.
I think the second one is underrated, and it has one of the best final shots ever.
True dat! It's not a great movie but the last 20 minutes are kind of amazing for pacing and twisting the narrative expectations. You really don't know what's going to happen at the end.
HBP: Emmett's bathroom break coincides exactly with Kathy's!
I didn't love it. It was good and it had a lot of good bits. I'm sorry they desaturated it so much, as apparently they hired the designer from Amelie to set the color scheme and Yates loved it and the studio hated it and it was all grayed out.
I thought
Rupert Gint's love potion bit was even better than Daniel's lucky potion bit - which was good.
Nice to see Rupert far from the broad mugging that Chris Columbus encouraged.
The story suffers in part for
the whole Bill mauled by Greyback being cut.
I get why they
cut that, but there really is very little action in the movie.
Tom Felton was very good.
I'd go with Le Nub's ranking but preferred Goblet to this.
I think it's Tom Felton. He was amazing. I loved his costumes, too.
I'm sorry they desaturated it so
Yes. When Ron entered the great hall in one scene I was certain he was dreaming it.
I think it's Tom Felton.
He was amazing. I loved his costumes, too.
Very sleek, dark mod look.
David, the designer is the one who did all the Harry Potter movies, but the cinematographer is from Amelie. He's responsible for the greying out.
To briefly interrupt HBP talk and respond to P-C's question:
Toy Story and Toy Story II.
Although I guess that's about to become a trilogy also.
Although I guess that's about to become a trilogy also.
Which, THANKS, Pixar, for putting a teaser trailer on Up, where my five year old who has no concept of the length of a year asks when we can go see the new Toy Story movie.
Bad enough that they advertise the films on kids' tv months in advance but a year?
You got Toy Story? We got that CGI guinea-pig spy movie. At the end of the trailer, Mal said "What was THAT?" in the same tone everyone else was thinking.
I did crack up at the bit in the trailer with the mice chanting "POOP IN HIS HAND!" since that is pretty much the whole repertoire of defensive actions open to a guinea pig.
At the end of the trailer, Mal said "What was THAT?" in the same tone everyone else was thinking.
I thought it looked sort of funny. Sara was giggling, anyway.