Although I guess that's about to become a trilogy also.
Which, THANKS, Pixar, for putting a teaser trailer on Up, where my five year old who has no concept of the length of a year asks when we can go see the new Toy Story movie.
Bad enough that they advertise the films on kids' tv months in advance but a year?
You got Toy Story? We got that CGI guinea-pig spy movie. At the end of the trailer, Mal said "What was THAT?" in the same tone everyone else was thinking.
I did crack up at the bit in the trailer with the mice chanting "POOP IN HIS HAND!" since that is pretty much the whole repertoire of defensive actions open to a guinea pig.
At the end of the trailer, Mal said "What was THAT?" in the same tone everyone else was thinking.
I thought it looked sort of funny. Sara was giggling, anyway.
Hell, I'm sure a guinea pig could bite a half-inch deep wound in your finger... maybe the poop would be a better option.
Reading some Potter forums, there's interesting speculation that the DH movie will
open with a marriage between Lupin and Tonks instead of Bill and Fleur. Since they've written out the whole Bill/Fleur storyline and they included Lupin/Tonks (albeit briefly) in this movie, that makes sense. Though now that the Weasley home has been torched I wonder how they'll finesse that.
The consensus seems to be that
the ending was weak and I really don't understand why they didn't include the final battle in the movie. It was either a budget decision or they wanted to focus on Dumbledore's death as the movie's end-note.
Hec, I've thought for some time that they'd have to have
the wedding be Tonks/Remus instead of Bill/Fleur since they have never introduced Bill or Charlie onscreen, and have left Percy unmentioned since PoA (except for his being an unnamed Minister henchman in OotP). I'm guessing that they'll have the wedding at the Tonks' house, so at least we'll meet Ted and Andromeda. That might end up being where they head instead of Shell Cottage in the final film.
I'm sure I read an interview with the director somewhere that they are
saving up the battle scenes for the final film, to make it more epic.
Which seems kind of lame to me.
Fans can handle two epic battle scenes.
Kathy -
Percy was in OotP very briefly. Smug and supercillious. But he was there.
Yes, shoving Harry around before Dumbledore took off with "style," but they didn't mention him by name, so his break with his family isn't going to be given any screen time in the final film.