I enjoyed Mad Max muchly. Despite the fact it seemed like
one long fight from start to end,
it didn't bore me, where many other movies might have. I think it was because
it was a lot of little fights that resolved quickly (in comparison to other, bloated movies ::age of ultron::), interspersed with more personal insight and character building.
And I liked that there wasn't
a lot of dialogue.
Plus, one of my staff said she thought
they did a great job with the scoring, the music always seemed to match the mood to where you almost didn't realize there was any.
I loved the theme of
and in particular,
Nux. OMG, Nux. Nooooo!
And even more "Ho, Shit!" was that he was played by
Nicholas Hoult.
NO WAY. Fantastic, just fantastic.
Yeah, Sail, he was my favorite character.
Mine too. I thought he did a great job with the most difficult character.
Is it me, or do a lot of people miss the fact that the whole "Language!" thing in
Age of Ultron
was a joke?
Like Steve is actually a potty mouth and has asked for help in cleaning it up?
Is it me, or do a lot of people miss the fact that the whole "Language!" thing in Age of Ultron was a joke?
I feel like it was played pretty straight, which
the joke, though I can also see how it might not be entirely in-character for, you know, a soldier. I'd say Steve wasn't 100% serious but he wasn't 100% not serious either.
I thought it was played straight, too. (And was actually not in character, either. But whatever, let's go for a cheap joke.)
I get tired of Joss' running jokes. But I had a lot of issues with Ultron, especially how it pretty much ignored all the things Tony went through in the Iron Man movies.
That, and they kept ragging on him for going off on his own and not including the team. Yeah, so what the fuck was Thor doing any differently? I don't see it and nobody jumped all over him. Plus! He was the one that actually enabled Vision's creation.
No one was really in character. No. One.