The white roses are a signature symbol of President Snow. Towards the end of the movie you find out he wears them all the time to cover up the smell of blood from mouthsores. The mouthsores are caused by the antidote to the poison he uses to kill his opponents (he eats/drinks the same thing as them to lull them).
The roses in Victory Village were a taunt to Katniss. Basically saying she isn't safe anywhere; he's got spies/people everywhere.
And either he has a magic rose maker, or someone coming by regularly to make sure there's at least one fresh rose there.
I think the book mentioned something about roses genetically altered to last a very long time but I could be making that mupm
And either he has a magic rose maker, or someone coming by regularly to make sure there's at least one fresh rose there.
That's what I was wondering about.
I saw Jupiter Ascending last night. Man, were those some horrible performances, though Nikki Amuka-Bird and Channing Tatum's torso acquitted themselves well.
That's who that is! What a cool name.
Ah and I saw her most likely in Torchwood and Luther. (Possibly Survivors and MI-5 - although I'm not sure I saw as much as 2 seasons of Survivors. . . if that show is the one I'm thinking it is.)
She was just magnetic. I was a lot more worried about her and her crew on their police cruiser than I was about Jackie and Ernest J. Keebler when everything was falling apart/blowing up on Jupiter.
Surprised there isn't already a discussion of Jason Momoa's Aquaman costume: [link]
I think it's a pretty nifty version of his early 2000s costume, though they're still doing the annoying super-muted/dark colors thing they did with Wonder Woman and (to a lesser degree) Superman. Everyone doesn't have to look like Batman, DC! Marvel has proven again and again you can dress characters in their classic color scheme (with some modifications) and make it work on-screen.
I'm not saying they should have done the orange shirt (because that really would look horrible on-screen. It's bad enough on the page.) But the greens and golds could stand to be more vibrant.
I like that the Aquaman costume mirrors some of Mamoa's own tattoos.
But DC is the House of Grim and Gritty!