So I just got out of Public Enemies and I liked it. I didn't LOVE it, but I liked it. I had heard some people having a problem with Depp's portrayal of Dillinger. I had no such trouble - and I don't consider myself a Depp fangirl (I haven't seen POTC after all).
I think Depp did a good job with the character and he had really great chemistry with Cotillard. This is action-packed movie with some graphic gun violence. I think the first half of the movie is a bit boring (except for the first 20 minutes), but the last half jumps off and keeps going.
My quick problems:
a) cinematography should have been better. The film seemed grainy and didn't look good. I am sure this was all intentional, but some of the colors looked TOO washed out to me.
b) the music was way distracting. I think the music was used in "No Country for Old Men" or something and so it was distracting because I had associated it with a previous movie
c) I wanted better characterization of Dillinger. This could have been a GREAT movie if they had explored his reasons for his actions just a bit more.
I would give this movie a solid "B."
cinematography should have been better. The film seemed grainy and didn't look good.
That's disappointing. I mostly want to see it because it looks gorgeous in the ads.
Does the movie have to be strictly about dance, or just have it play a major role? Because if the latter I'd be torn between Grease and 1941.
Ooh, yeah. 1941 is train-wreck of a movie on so many levels, but the jitterbug scene is amazing. A real keeper.
1941 is train-wreck of a movie on so many levels
Ferris wheels! Rolling! And one of John Williams' best themes.
Wow, the director's cut of Payback is brutal and nasty and bleak and hilarious and great. Now I'm going to have to rent the studio cut to see exactly how terrible it is.
If you like 70s neo-noir with just a touch of Tarantino weirdness, check it out. It's also a fabulous "Hey, It's That Guy!" festival. Although I should warn you that if you prefer movies where the protagonist is at least slightly sympathetic, you probably won't make it through the first 10 minutes.
Oh, and at one point Lucy Liu kicks a guy in the head while she's wearing PVC chaps and not much else. So it's got that going for it.
Dance movies? The Japanese original of
Shall We Dance?
is just marvelous on all levels.
Dance movies? The Japanese original of Shall We Dance? is just marvelous on all levels.
Very true. I haven't seen it since it came out so I had forgotten about it.
(I refuse to watch movies from the 70's and 80's for the most part, so I'm sure that there is a more than a small gap in my knowledge base)
Juliebird, is this all movies from those decades, or just musicals? If it's just musicals, make sure you watch All That Jazz and possibly Fame, which is weak in parts, but has some wonderful numbers, and Anne Meara is terrific as the beleagured English teacher at the arts school.
"Fame" is good. Even if the title track reminds of seventh grade chorus.
Pretty much all movies, Kathy. Although there are many many exceptions, generally the filming style/quality of the 70's makes me cringe. I was going through an Audrey Hepburn phase, and hit a roadblock once they started getting too "modern".