If you hate the end of
you will hate the end of
That said, it's still nice to see an SF movie that
1. Has a female main character, who moves the plot by her actions,
2. Passes the Bechdel test multiple times, and
3. Has a much more positive view of superhumanity than
Epic - sorry to hear that about Lucy. I was very curious about that one.
Maybe see it at a matinee? I saw it at the $8 theater, so I'm pretty okay with it. But yeah, not nearly so awesome as hoped.
Note to, I think, -t: Every time they say "only using 10% (& etc.) of the brain's capacity," you think think to yourself "at one time", and it's less painful. "Humans only use 10% of the brain's capacity (at one time)."
I did notice that it passed the Bechdel test, though. Kinda surprising with how few women are in it, but they did.
"at one time"
We have a word for using a lot of your brain at one time. That word is "seizure"
"seizure"/"superhuman" = tomayto/tomahto
Rewatching Snowpiercer, and I caught how
Gilliam was reticent about the idea of trying to get to the engine and kill Wilford. And pointedly asks what Curtis will do then [to make things any better than they are now].
Also amusing was how Edgar
thought he had memories of things like steak, and I'm looking side-eyed at him having memories of his mother.
After that incredible story near the end, I have a hard time buying the actor as
17-18/18-19 years old. I suppose I can handwave it as a hard existence making people appear older than they are. But sheesh, the actor is almost 30 now.
Yeah, Julie, that story
confused me because I thought Curtis and Edgar were the same age.
Julie and PC, I had the same reaction.
Okay, I have a horrible memory lane movie question:
70's/80's flick. Missionaries. Non-white country. Lady missionary gets raped (offscreen) and then has her face blown off.
Yes, this imagery has been popping up in my head of late, I can't begin to understand why, but I feel if I identify it, I can move on from it. It's awful.
Also, why was I able to watch this when I was probably five years old? Even if I was ten, wtf?
Cable? I saw tThe Mosquito Coast when I was too young just flipping channels.
Any word on whether to go 3D (or even IMAX 3D) for Guardians of the Galaxy? I'm thinking Saturday matinee.