Epic - sorry to hear that about Lucy. I was very curious about that one.
Maybe see it at a matinee? I saw it at the $8 theater, so I'm pretty okay with it. But yeah, not nearly so awesome as hoped.
Note to, I think, -t: Every time they say "only using 10% (& etc.) of the brain's capacity," you think think to yourself "at one time", and it's less painful. "Humans only use 10% of the brain's capacity (at one time)."
I did notice that it passed the Bechdel test, though. Kinda surprising with how few women are in it, but they did.
"at one time"
We have a word for using a lot of your brain at one time. That word is "seizure"
"seizure"/"superhuman" = tomayto/tomahto
Rewatching Snowpiercer, and I caught how
Gilliam was reticent about the idea of trying to get to the engine and kill Wilford. And pointedly asks what Curtis will do then [to make things any better than they are now].
Also amusing was how Edgar
thought he had memories of things like steak, and I'm looking side-eyed at him having memories of his mother.
After that incredible story near the end, I have a hard time buying the actor as
17-18/18-19 years old. I suppose I can handwave it as a hard existence making people appear older than they are. But sheesh, the actor is almost 30 now.
Yeah, Julie, that story
confused me because I thought Curtis and Edgar were the same age.
Julie and PC, I had the same reaction.
Okay, I have a horrible memory lane movie question:
70's/80's flick. Missionaries. Non-white country. Lady missionary gets raped (offscreen) and then has her face blown off.
Yes, this imagery has been popping up in my head of late, I can't begin to understand why, but I feel if I identify it, I can move on from it. It's awful.
Also, why was I able to watch this when I was probably five years old? Even if I was ten, wtf?
Cable? I saw tThe Mosquito Coast when I was too young just flipping channels.
Any word on whether to go 3D (or even IMAX 3D) for Guardians of the Galaxy? I'm thinking Saturday matinee.
It sounds like IMAX 3D might be cool for this one because it changes aspect ratios like
The Dark Knight,
even though it wasn't filmed with IMAX cameras. Seems like the new thing is to film with 3D conversion in mind rather than specifically film in 3D.
To 3D or Not to 3D says definitely do 3D. Alas, I'm seeing it in 2D.