So, is the thought that Snowpiercer will start playing in more and more theatres as times goes on, or is this now the window to see it before it disappears and I have to wait for a DVD?
It looks like it will be on more screens in this area come Friday, though still an hour away from me at the closest. it'll also be available On Demand on Friday.
re: your white font.
VALID. But guess what, the story is unrelenting. So even if you get thrown out, you won't stay out long.
Caught White House Down on premium cable last night (ok, TiVo'd) and was much more entertained than I expected. It was exactly like "The Emmeriches turn 'West Wing' into an action adventure movie." Complete with things blowing up lots of time.
About the only thing missing was a Presidential Dog leaping to safety at the last minute.
It was definitely enjoyable. I'm told it was much better than the other terrorists-attack-the-White-House movie last summer.
I was mostly able to turn my brain off and enjoy the spectacle, though I do think it was absolutely ridiculous that the bad guys were allowed to play whack-a-mole with the Presidential limo in plain sight while the military stood around gawking. The air between the roof and the perimeter fence should have been so full of covering fire that the antitank weapons would have bounced off it if anyone were left alive to fire them.
So I hear Christopher Walken is going to play Captain Hook in the latest Peter Pan remake.
I saw Begin Again last night. Rather like Once, it's a pleasant and low-key movie about people and music. It's also a bit of a love-letter to New York City. Mark Ruffalo is endearingly scruffy as a down-and-out A&R guy, Hailee Steinfeld plays his daughter and Catherine Keener his estranged wife, and Keira Knightley is her Kiera Knightley-est as a singer-songwriter on the outs with her rising-star boyfriend.
I liked the music, and the relationships, and it's just a nice little flick. Recommended.
I just saw Snowpiercer, and I think I'm in love. (I haven't read anyone else's comments on it, because I knew I'd be seeing it, but now I want to sit in a bar and TALK about it. Damn.)
We saw it too. It was entertainingly weird. I've seen reactions from people who loved it, people who said it made them thoughtful, and people who thought it was a clusterfuck.
We saw it too. It was entertainingly weird. I've seen reactions from people who loved it, people who said it made them thoughtful, and people who thought it was a clusterfuck.
I thought it was brilliant. One of my top five dystopian movies, certainly. I think my eyes were basically round with delight the whole time. And it was so, so, so pretty. So very beautiful. (I'm talking about the cinematography. To be clear. Though Song Kang-Ho and Chris Evans are both gorgeous in it.)
We saw Earth to Echo and found it quite enjoyable (although I'd only recommend it for those with tweens who like That Sort of Thing). I'd describe it as ET meets Super 8.