I saw Snowpiercer yesterday! It was funny how it inspired a range of reactions from everyone I went with. (Some baffled, one enraged.) Aside from the parts where I was watching through my hands due to the violence, I enjoyed it and I'm still thinking about it. It's definitely an experience.
I'm seeing How to Train Your Dragon 2 tonight after work.
I was totally baffled by one scene:
when they entered the train car with the guys with the axes and they were...gutting a fish?
The funny part was, it seemed to me like the people from the back of the train were just as baffled. They were looking at them, like, "Whuh?"
Zen, you mean Edge of Tomorrow?
smacks head
Well, yeah. Thanks, chrismg. I'll go fix it. (For posterity, I wrote Edge of Darkness, for some reason.)
The only thing I could think at the time was that it was some kind of ritual. It looked like they were doing it to coat the edges of the blades with blood, symbolic in some way? Or maybe it had something to do with the night vision goggles so they could see the edge of their blades? Pure conjecture, but otherwise just more stuff to hand wave. A second viewing might shed some light on it, but I don't think I'm ready for that just yet.
Just that the previews annoyed me. Partially because it's an E.T rip-off.
Ok. I was wondering if there was some controversy I had missed. The better half wants to take our son to see it. They'll probably catch a matinee while I'm at work since I have zero interest.
We're seeing Earth to Echo at a WGA screening this weekend, so if it's any good I'll let folks know. I personally hated ET with a white hot heat (I think I was too old when it came out and the overt manipulations were too evident), so I am heading into this redux with no real expectations either way.
I'm immediately turned off by the found footage vibe, but that is all.
It also just suddenly hit me that if you really want an emotional connection with an alien creature, best stick to practical effects 100%, at least with the alien character. But I'm old school like that. Give me my Jim Henson Creature Shop, gorramit (I don't know what the Farscape swear for that is)!
yeah, I think I'm over "found footage" genre. It was fun the first 3 times.
The trailer I saw reminded me more of
*batteries not included