Saw Fault In Our Stars because cousin wanted to, which was mostly pleasing and didn't play to too many Young People Dying Early cliches.
Except that my Mom was on oxygen for the last couple years of her life and it was a Big Deal to plan out how much oxygen to take along on a trip, or in daily life, and most of all, either the machine or the tanks made a constant hissing sound.
At least it seemed to be a sincere try, and I can't fault the actors doing their best.
Finally took the boy to see How to Train Your Dragon 2, today. He really enjoyed it, though he bawled for 5 minutes straight after the scene we were discussing earlier.
Of course, when we asked him about it after the movie he said he was crying because
Drogo stole Toothless
so even if we had warned him ahead of time, it would have been for the wrong trauma. Go figure.
Finally caught Chef this weekend. It was very enjoyable in and of itself. Then there was the food porn. That grilled cheese sandwich pretty much had me moaning, and it got better fom there. Good stuff.
I really enjoyed How to Train Your Dragon 2: the Neville Longbottoming of Hiccup. However I do think that I liked Hiccup better as outcast than as Hero of the Last Several Years. And
Toothless' several new abilities, including the ability to resist the ice-dragon and rule the other dragons, were a bit too dragonus ex machina for me.
All that said, the animation is lovely.
Although there's proof I'm an environmentalist: I kept trying to figure out how this ecosystem could support quite so many apex predators, especially since they apparently didn't feed the sheep to the dragons...
I kept trying to figure out how this ecosystem could support quite so many apex predators, especially since they apparently didn't feed the sheep to the dragons...
heh. I felt they were whitewashing the sheep issue, but didn't mention it to the kids.
As for
Toothless, my take on it was that his ability to resist came from the fact that he had bonded so strongly to his Hiccup, and likewise his rise to Alpha came simply from the fact that he had resisted.
I was okay with all that since it gives kids a way to represent the difference between
power over and power with.
This weekend was the lowest grossing July 4 weekend since 1999.
What is it with this Summer? There's seriously been nothing I've been interested in seeing since May, and probably nothing until Guardians is released in August.
Tom, seriously! There's nothing good out this summer.
Captain America
was the best movie of the year. I enjoyed
Edge of Tomorrow
but it doesn't seem to be making the kind of money they probably thought it would. What else is there? Did they really think
Dragons 2
would be the summer blockbusters?
I'm personally gratified that Transformers isn't doing better.
Dragon 2 probably will have legs, because not everybody can get their kids to the theatre on a holiday weekend.
I'm gratified
Earth to Echo
isn't doing better.