Actually, isn't the sticking point about the ending of Edge of Tomorrow the same sticking point about all the
resets in the movie up until that point? Like, why does Cage reset to coming out of taser-coma? In which case, it can be argued that the reset is offset to accomadate time to fix the problem, and that offset varies on the power of the source? The alpha (or whatever, I'm forgetting the movie terms now) is a huge asset, and reset, but the omega is even bigger, so the reset is bigger?
What bugged me is that either Emma Blunt's character
fell in love awfully fast, or they didn't really compensate for the fact that her character didn't grow like Cruise's did. It felt like a lot of her interactions were informed by what she'd done with Cage in previous instances.
It was actually kind of hard to tell with the quick advancement of where we were in the Choose Your Own Adventure timeline. (If I'd been playing that game, I'd been super annoyed and quit long before getting to the helicopter and switched to Spider Solitaire.
Mockingjay teaser: President Snow's Panem Address - "Together as One" (4K) - YouTube
SPOILERY if you haven't read the books. (Anyone here seen the movies but not read the books?)
It's creepy. I like it.
eta: Ah. It's already all over FB. Plus the FB image gives away the spoiler.
Julie, Cage reset to
coming-out-of-taser-coma because that's the last time he woke up/returned to consciousness before he got sprayed with Alpha blood. That's why he returned to waking up on the helicopter that morning after the Alpha died, presumably - in the new timeline, Operation Downfall or whatever doesn't happen, so he doesn't get tasered for desertion. Which kinda means that the timeline rewrote itself backwards.
I also felt like
Rita seemed to know Cage too well for only ever having known him for one day. But since she had also been zapped with the blue blood, maybe she retained some awareness of the resets?
It's a handwave, but it's all I've got.
That's all kinds of awesome, tommy.
Although my head kept going to a Better Off Ted place.
Ha ha ha ha oh my God now I need to watch it again with that in mind.
From a ways back
I still haven't watched Grand Budapest Hotel because someone...
That was the one moment that threw me out of the movie. Actually, not that moment, but several minutes later when the character
threw the dead body into a trash can in passing.
Don't tell me the character cares, and then have them act so cavalier. Don't include such a violent event, and then treat it like a joke. There's black humour, sure. "did you just throw my cat out the window?!", and then there's complete disrespect. And it doesn't forward the humour or plot or micro-characterization (unless I was to take the whiplash to be part of Goldblum's character, which I don't see).
Anyhoo, enjoyed Budapest Hotel, need to rewatch. There was a lot of sad that I wasn't expecting:
Agatha dying so soon, Gustave getting shot in defense of Zero, even though none of that was shown.
I'm about 15 minutes into How To Train Your Dragon, the original flavour and... why are these vikings all speaking with a Scottish accent? Are they actually in magical fairy Scotland? Wha?
Julie, thank you; that seals the deal. I will never watch that movie.
Vonnie, yes, I think it's supposed to be an island off the north coast of Scotland. Which is, well, historically accurate: the Vikings settled all over the north of Britain.