From a ways back
I still haven't watched Grand Budapest Hotel because someone...
That was the one moment that threw me out of the movie. Actually, not that moment, but several minutes later when the character
threw the dead body into a trash can in passing.
Don't tell me the character cares, and then have them act so cavalier. Don't include such a violent event, and then treat it like a joke. There's black humour, sure. "did you just throw my cat out the window?!", and then there's complete disrespect. And it doesn't forward the humour or plot or micro-characterization (unless I was to take the whiplash to be part of Goldblum's character, which I don't see).
Anyhoo, enjoyed Budapest Hotel, need to rewatch. There was a lot of sad that I wasn't expecting:
Agatha dying so soon, Gustave getting shot in defense of Zero, even though none of that was shown.
I'm about 15 minutes into How To Train Your Dragon, the original flavour and... why are these vikings all speaking with a Scottish accent? Are they actually in magical fairy Scotland? Wha?
Julie, thank you; that seals the deal. I will never watch that movie.
Vonnie, yes, I think it's supposed to be an island off the north coast of Scotland. Which is, well, historically accurate: the Vikings settled all over the north of Britain.
Yes, but the adults speak with Scottish accents and the youth are all American. Maybe the Vikings had just discovered North America and brought back the accent.
People, it is a cartoon involving dragons. Handwaving the accents ought to be simple!
Maybe the Vikings settled in the part of Egypt that produced Sean Connery's accent in Highlander?
Sean Connery is proof that the "Scottish" accent is the Ur-accent of all humanity. If you could hear him speak his ancient native language, it would totally be in a Scottish accent. Only the Scots managed to not lose their ancestral accent.
Yes, but the adults speak with Scottish accents and the youth are all American. Maybe the Vikings had just discovered North America and brought back the accent.
Yeah, that was a head-scratcher. I immediately recognized Craig Ferguson's voice as the dragon-hunt instructor (I did not know he was in this film!), which made me happy, so I guess I'm OK with handwaving. Like flea said, in the scheme of things, this isn't the most ludicrous thing in the film by any stretch!
At least I could decipher these Scottish accents. A few weeks ago, I went to see the Scarlett Johansson alien-predator flick, uh, Under the Skin, and could barely understand some of the Glasgow dialect spoken by the locals.