Next weekend will be my chance to see XMen: DOFP. I hope it's better.
IMO, it is better, but I still didn't really like the movie. There is so little of the mature Magneto that it is a film crime.
I think Captain America 2 spoiled me for these summer movies.
Matt, I just saw it and completely agree that there was not enough monster and far too much human in Godzilla.
I think that could have been at least partially mitigated if
the human the movie had centered on had been the one played by Bryan Cranston or Ken Watanabe, or even David Straithairn for that matter. Having the viewpoint character be someone with an idea of what was going on, with a real reason to show up at each of the sites where the monsters appeared would have worked wonders. As would having said character played by an older actor with real charisma and, y'know, talent.
The way things played out,
they better buy a really big birthday cake for Sam's 5th since giant monsters apparently show up for every important milestone in that family's life.
complete agreement about your comments about the acting. I thought it was a shame that
Watanabe had so little to say. You think about his role in "Inception" vs. this movie, and you know what he is capable of. What a waste. I hope he has a great 3rd home though
Saw XMen: DOFP and enjoyed it. The theater we saw it at prefaced the movie with a Lego trailer for the next Wolverine movie and then a bunch of pictures of McClellan and Patrick together in New York.
I feel like I've missed one of the XMen movies but I'm not sure which one. Gah. We had fun today and that is what counts.
I'd forgotten how much I loved James McAvoy's Xavier.
Since when does Kitty
have powers other than phasing?
Or was that just Plot Convenience Theatre?
I am so pissed by that. They pulled all kinds of shit out of their ass.
Yeah, that part was flimsy, but I loved the rest of it.
complete agreement about your comments about the acting.
Me, three. What an utter waste of talent in Watenabe and Strathairn and most egregiously, Binoche!
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Kitty, but seriously.