complete agreement about your comments about the acting. I thought it was a shame that
Watanabe had so little to say. You think about his role in "Inception" vs. this movie, and you know what he is capable of. What a waste. I hope he has a great 3rd home though
Saw XMen: DOFP and enjoyed it. The theater we saw it at prefaced the movie with a Lego trailer for the next Wolverine movie and then a bunch of pictures of McClellan and Patrick together in New York.
I feel like I've missed one of the XMen movies but I'm not sure which one. Gah. We had fun today and that is what counts.
I'd forgotten how much I loved James McAvoy's Xavier.
Since when does Kitty
have powers other than phasing?
Or was that just Plot Convenience Theatre?
I am so pissed by that. They pulled all kinds of shit out of their ass.
Yeah, that part was flimsy, but I loved the rest of it.
complete agreement about your comments about the acting.
Me, three. What an utter waste of talent in Watenabe and Strathairn and most egregiously, Binoche!
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Kitty, but seriously.
Apparently in the comics there is a storyline where she
phases herself back in time.
Not so much others though.
Kitty phasing back through time was the original Days of Future Past storyline in the comics. They changed the time traveler to Wolverine for the movie. Whether that was actually a good idea or not is debatable. (I haven't actually seen the movie yet.)
Of course, if they were insistent on doing the cast merge, then Wolverine wouldn't have much to do in this movie since in the comics (30 year old comics spoiler)
he dies horribly right near the beginning of the future storyline and he's not involved with the First Class group.
I understand Wolverine is the movie's big draw, but it's a shame that Kitty gets sidelined for what is one of her iconic storylines in the comics.