There is one scene that I found very upsetting, but my kids didn't even blink at, where
Lord Business forces Good Cop/Bad Cop to superglue his parents, and there is a Smeagol/Gollum conversation between his Good Cop and Bad Cop faces while it happens.
But like I said, my kids (6 and 3) didn't react to that scene at all, so it may be like the first five minutes of Finding Nemo where parents are cringing in their seats and kids are blissfully unaware that 500 babies die in that movie before the opening credits.
Jessica, that was the same scene (and only scene) I was going to mention.
That was awful. Just awful.
Guess who's going to (FINALLY) see Only Lovers Left Alive today?
I can't wait to see what you think! I loved it.
I already have plans to go see it again on Monday, in the company of the Infamous BlueJay, ravenous fangirl of Hiddleston and SWINTON.
I might actually be able to see it this weekend! I thought all the convenient-to-me engagements were ending, but other theaters are picking it up.
VAMPIRE MOVIE. mmmmm, vampire movie. It was slowly-paced and dreamy, which is exactly what it needed to be. Yeah, I need to go see that a few more times.
Our local art house theater says it's coming soon. No date, though, so I have to keep checking back.